Monday, December 28, 2009

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I have asked a couple of questions about this subject, but there are new develpments. I logged onto my husbands myspace account (call it women intuition telling me to) and I saw messages between him and a woman he went to school with. They were both basically telling each other how unhappily married they were, he told her I was a complete bit*h and she was saying that she didn't want to be with her husband anymore. She has sent him a survey and in some of the questions, he gave answers that were very hurtful to me, saying that getting married was a mistake, and telling her she was hot. I was crushed. I couldn't even concentrate at work because I was so hurt. I finally confronted him, and he claims it was innocent conversation and that he will not talk to her anymore. I also sent a message to her, basically telling her what I told him, that I felt that their conversations were inappropriate and that they needed to be confiding in their spouses, not in each other. She sent me one back...

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

silly MySpace!!! how old are u 20?

40 minutes later:

Is she still pursuing your husband?

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

amen to that silver star

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

And her response was??? Personally, I see no reason for a married mature individual to have a myspace page. It's a pure waste of time, and makes no sense whatsoever. I feel it's a place for young single people, if for anyone at all. With that said, and his 'apology', then I expect he will delete his page? That is what I would expect to follow. End of subject.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?


I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I'm so sorry, what a s hitty thing to happen! I think you already know the answer to this. He's cheated you in a big way. Ok maybe not physically but mentally and emotionally he has. The fact that he went to school with this girl makes me inclined to think he's trying to relive his youth, get away from reality. The fact that he's admitting nothing makes me think he has no remorse for what he's done. If he was truly sorry, he'd be on his knees begging you to forgive him. If he can do it once, he can do it again. Do what's best for you, good luck xx

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

girl are u serious? if i can prove my husband is talking to someone like this???you have 2 things to do:

1: you LEAVE HIM!!! why bother stay with someone that cosider yopu a B... and tell someone else he is not happy. he could cheat on you anytime....because he is looking for a " friend" to let all his words out. thenthat friend will end up been in ur bed..WAKE UP!

2: YOU FORGIVE HIM cuuz you have kids and you gonnaa live ur life thinking about what he said to you!

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

You know I think your right, if I couldn;t find her husband i think that i would forward it. But hopefully she couln't intercept it. If you can leave him a mess. to contact you , then when he does get him on the phone and tell him you will forward everything to him that way you know for sure he gets it. what goes around comes around. good for you

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Just get a divorce and move on. Obviously, you are BOTH not happy with your marriage. Why would you want to stay with a guy who, even in jest, talks about how shi*tty his marriage is? He probably lied to you when he said it was innocent talk. How innocent is trashing your wife and calling her a ******? Doesn't sound anything innocent to me. Better cut your losses and move on as quick as possible. Married people should not be on myspace.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Jealously gets you nowhere. No wonder he confides in someone else you won't even let him talk to another woman without snooping on his conversations. Maybe you need to change your attitude some and put more effort into your marriage instead of wasting your time being jealous. If he wants someone new and doesnt love you anymore you cant change that by harrassing him. Don't bring yourself to a lower level just to get even. If he trully loves you the way you think you love him then you have nothing to worry about. Sometimes a person creates their own problems.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?


I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

lousy men i swear!!

well, the least he could do for you is delete his myspace account. theres no need for a married man to have one anyway. there for singles and teenagers trust me.. and then after he deletes his page, he has some serious apologizing to do. regardless of your marital problems, he should never, and i mean never discuss them with another female!

and for those of you who called her jealous, she's not jealous, she's pi$$ed off! how would you feel if your ol man was telling another woman what a ***** you were? you'd feel pretty crappy im sure! so fu*k off!

i got your back little mermaid. ive been there.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

You did have a right to snoop call it instinct. Don't let anybody try and make you feel bad for doing such a thing just think if you wouldn't have snooped you would be walking around your house right now looking like a fool having no clue at all what's going on. I think your husband is a jerk for treating you like that trash talking you for no reason. I wouldn't believe him if he says he won't talk to this chick anymore chances are he will. If he's unhappy he's unhappy what more can you do. You cannot bend over backwards and keep trying to please someone when they're still not satisfied. Tell your husband to have her if he wants to and i would tell HER hubby as well. So what if you get called a ''nark'' role reversal would you like it if someone knew your husband was cheating and said nothing to you. I hope you do the right thing and hope you find someone that isn't going to treat you like that.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I would strongly suggest that the both of you get into some marriage counseling. Saying horrible things about a spouse to an outsider is certainly not going to make the marriage better. I would tell your husband that his behavior is unacceptable, and you are not going to tolerate it in the marriage. Go from there.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Is what he said about you true? Does he really feel that way?

If you give him plenty of attention and you've been a caring, loving wife, he's just a jerk.

I just wonder if he enjoyed the attention from her so he exaggerated the story of his life a bit too need to do more than you have will go elsewhere if the aren't getting what they need at home!

My Space is not a place for married men to be chatting, it's ridiculous. No matter do not deserve this treatment!

I hope you don't have any children with this BOY. He needs to grow up and stop playing the victim. Cancel his online accounts...if he's doing things like this...what's he doing that you don't know about yet?

Be suspicious....if he doesn't quit corresponding with her, and you have no children with him...he'll have to go. This behavior is the equivelant of an affair, it's uncalled for.

If he's apologetic and truly cut all ties with her...move on...just know that you've married a BOY.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Sweetie, you and your husband need to get into counseling a month ago. This means NOW; calling at 9am first thing on Monday morning.

Is he willing to give this internet relationship up?

If he doesn't go to counseling, you go. Or if you can't afford it, talk to your pastor, rabbi, etc.

I know men and women who have divorced their spouses and married people they met on the internet. One woman, a friend's sister, had the huband leave her with 2 small children and hook up with his internet friend. Nice, huh?

Get counseling yesterday.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

You did the right thing in nipping it in the bud. This is yet another reason why the other woman in an affair is often given equal blame in the relationship. I would send her one more email and let her know that yeah.. "basically" they can continue to talk but you can also let her husband in on what you know about the conversations if she chooses to continue and let him decide whether he thinks it's innocent.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

let me just say im sorry...they will meet and your worst nitemares will become a not saying that either one of them is a just saying the internet is a magnet allowing many people to feel free to express themselves and do what they should or shouldnt be doing. If your husband really wants to show you change, tell him to delete all his contacts on the net, my space, yahoo, pof all of them, and if he does and promises not to go under a different name, only then will i beleive him....given the chance he has the chance to rigth a wrong...ive been there, and i lost everything i had, i too made promises which due to unhappiness and easy contact, i made some bad descions....good luck

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Something similar recently happened to me. I found an e-mail my husband sent to another woman. I was under the impression that he was deeply in love with me. He expressed interest in her and told her our marriage was over, which I did not know. So I left him. I am too good to be treated this bad by anyone and so are you! Don't just walk away. RUN!!!!!! This is the beginning of the end for you.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I think she and the other women just showed you what your husband is, he's stupid. A man that lets you catch him and just says sorry, is going to cheat again but he just learned you will put up with anything. You have a long life of heart ache ahead.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I'll put it to you like this...don't bother with it. Nothing good will come from being revengeful. I am learning this now. Honestly, he is looking for something. If he is that unhappy and he willing to put your business out there, then there is no telling how far he will go. I think that counseling should be a definite option if you aren't willing to walk away. Honestly, I have a Myspace page and my soon to be ex husband had a page. His site for hooking up with chicks was Blackplanet. I know now he was cheating...Try counseling, but if you are going to be a mad woman searching for proof (like I was), LEAVE!!!

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

oh yes i w ould forward those notes to her husband and give her a taste of her own medicine. Your husband has hurt you badly and shaken your trust to the core.Emotional intimacy like that belongs to your mate. He is going to have to choice, what is important to him. His family who are real or his imagination? He doesn't know what kind of nuts are out thereeeeee! You guys have a child together. You will always be in each others life for that fact. You need to both go to some counseling ! He needs to shut his little chats to the opposite sex down. Romance him and recapture the love. Men love attention. Tell him how hot you think he still is. Ask without getting offensive What are getting there that you are not getting at home? dress up for him smell nice, Treat him like you were dating him. He will turn that stupid computer off, fight fire with fire. Listen to Loretta Lynn's old song! you ain't woman enough to take my man. Women like he r are a dime a dozen! cheap trash that no one could ever trust~ God bless and fight for your marriage wisely!

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Girl.. I had almost the same problem a couple months ago. My husband went to a party I did not attend, about a week later I see that me has a new female friend on his myspace (which is rare since he hardly uses myspace) that woman intution came along and I went in his acount (in which he had changed the password but I ended up getting it from his email) and I see they had been replying messages to eachother, flirtatious stuff like "Did I ever tell you are the coolest girl I've met in a long time" and from her part there where too many LOL's in her message saying that her name was "..mmmmmmm" after you taste something very delicious. I WAS FURIOUS and I sent her a message saying the same you said that I didnt appretiate her writing him like this and that he would hear it from me. She had the nerve to get smart ith me! I was so hurt by this, I even left with my son for a week. We worked it out though, and you certainly have plenty of reason to be mad and hurt.

My personal opinion is that if I where that womans husband, I'd like to know my wife is going around flirting online with other peoples husbands. I think I'd end up doing it, not to get back at her, but to show her husband hat kind of wife he really has. Good luck in your marriage and in whatever you decide to do.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

i am so so sorry i am currently dealing with the same thing i know i already imed you and dont want you to think im stalking you. its just so wierd, its almost like i typed this question. its gonna be ok what ever you decide

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Read this book, it will solve all your problems

After that read this one

Men don't say these things on accident!

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I think instead of focusing on this other woman and how to make her life a living hell (although telling her husband would be a good idea for the sake of him being aware of what is going on), I think you should focus more on YOU and YOUR HUSBAND- your husband is to blame for this, and believe me even if you didn't have a Myspace, he'd still have those negative feelings and thoughts still lurking in him, he'd probably have hid it better, too. I think Myspace came as a blessing to you though because it shows his true colors through an easy medium and how hurtful he is! I don't think controlling the situation would change him, I think leaving him would!

P.S. I think she is still pursuing him because she's convinced that he still wants her because of the way he communicated with her.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

You shouldn't have snooped. You sound so insecure that you probably drove him to this. Bad girl!

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