Monday, December 28, 2009

Scene girls so guys find them hot?

scene girls typically have black hair with their bangs cut a 45 degree angle. they wear big plastic jewerly and leggingly under their hollister mini skirts with their ballerinia flats. they wear clothes from urban outfitters thrift stores and their favorite band tee's typically combined with a white studded belts. occasionally, fishnets are typical. they wear black eyeliner with neon colered eye shadow and talk about how much they hate ( the preps the skaters, the jocks...) and their favorite bands..which typically are terrible they take pictures of themselves from different angles to put on their myspace which are totally hardxcore or the SEXXX which they will totally get scene points for. they love writing RAWR, im a dinasour on their binders and pretend to be ninjas, pirates...and so on.. they typically wear pretty bows or little girl head bans in their hair (which is really cute regardless) fashion to them is a pair of joe's jeans thier hot pink green day t-shirt and a studded belt...but dont hate scene girls, beacuse they are people too

Scene girls so guys find them hot?

What's your point, Lauren M?


Scene girls so guys find them hot?

They sound lame.

Scene girls so guys find them hot?

What is the question in among that ramble?

Scene girls so guys find them hot?

so....were you asking a question or just runnin off at the mouth? scene girls are cute enough, but they are conforming just like everyone they complain about, so yeah, not for me...i like girls that can actually think...the style is hot though

Scene girls so guys find them hot?

Sound to me like they have some type of mental issues and need to seek counseling and start taking a psychotropic drug.

Scene girls so guys find them hot?


Myspace question...should i be freaked out??

this guy who is 29 and in a relationship (i'm 18 and single) added me to myspace

i commented saying : thanks for the add, what's up?

he replied : not much, just bored, you're a cutie, i must say

i replied : hahaha thanks...haven't heard that much

he replied : really, well, it's true...i like your eyes too

i replied: umm did u find me to add me?

he replied: it's too bad you don't have a tounge ring, then that would be hot, f*ck.

i replied : where did u find me to add me?

he hasn't replied yet

should i be freaked out?? should i delete him, or just wait for a friend to tell me who this guy is? (he's a friend of one of my best friends on myspace) am i thinking too much into this?

Myspace question...should i be freaked out??

you should delete him, hes just some old stalker that wants sex from you!

Myspace question...should i be freaked out??

you'll find your answer on :

it has the greatest myspace stuff i've ever seen

Does this mean he's saying i look hot or the picutre in general?

my friend on myspace said this about a Delta Sigma Theta picture i took.

This one is my fav.

its so hot

return the favor

does this mean he thinks im hot or the picture in genral?

Does this mean he's saying i look hot or the picutre in general?

depends on the picture it could go either way, but I think you being hot probably would account for the picture being hot.

Does this mean he's saying i look hot or the picutre in general?

hmmm.. i would maybe say he is talking about u. cause guys are just as insecure as us and he probably didntwant to come out and say ur hott. lol, guys are weird. =]

Does this mean he's saying i look hot or the picutre in general?

i think he meant the picture in general

Does this mean he's saying i look hot or the picutre in general?

Um. it really depends on what the picture looks like in the backround ..if its pretty etc. ..but he could also be meaning you ! ...but if he meant you he would say "your so hot" not "Its so hot" i don't really know have to explain more the picture up on here and i can give you a straight answer ! But he does mean that this is his fav. picture so i hope that helps !!! Hope this helps you ~

Does this mean he's saying i look hot or the picutre in general?

well if a picture of you is hot, and you're IN the picture, i think he means you're hot.

..oh and that you should return the favor. :)


Does this mean he's saying i look hot or the picutre in general?

It sounds like a joke since he said "return the favor" but if it isn't then he thinks it is the best pic! I think he means in general the pic is hot lol, but dont ask me im the farthest thing from a boy expert. Now return the favor and tell him he looks hot or cute in one of his pics, mix him up since he did that to you!

Does this mean he's saying i look hot or the picutre in general?

im pretty sure hes talking about the picture

becuz he said "this one" and "its"

...wats w/ return the favor? lol

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I have asked a couple of questions about this subject, but there are new develpments. I logged onto my husbands myspace account (call it women intuition telling me to) and I saw messages between him and a woman he went to school with. They were both basically telling each other how unhappily married they were, he told her I was a complete bit*h and she was saying that she didn't want to be with her husband anymore. She has sent him a survey and in some of the questions, he gave answers that were very hurtful to me, saying that getting married was a mistake, and telling her she was hot. I was crushed. I couldn't even concentrate at work because I was so hurt. I finally confronted him, and he claims it was innocent conversation and that he will not talk to her anymore. I also sent a message to her, basically telling her what I told him, that I felt that their conversations were inappropriate and that they needed to be confiding in their spouses, not in each other. She sent me one back...

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

silly MySpace!!! how old are u 20?

40 minutes later:

Is she still pursuing your husband?

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

amen to that silver star

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

And her response was??? Personally, I see no reason for a married mature individual to have a myspace page. It's a pure waste of time, and makes no sense whatsoever. I feel it's a place for young single people, if for anyone at all. With that said, and his 'apology', then I expect he will delete his page? That is what I would expect to follow. End of subject.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?


I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I'm so sorry, what a s hitty thing to happen! I think you already know the answer to this. He's cheated you in a big way. Ok maybe not physically but mentally and emotionally he has. The fact that he went to school with this girl makes me inclined to think he's trying to relive his youth, get away from reality. The fact that he's admitting nothing makes me think he has no remorse for what he's done. If he was truly sorry, he'd be on his knees begging you to forgive him. If he can do it once, he can do it again. Do what's best for you, good luck xx

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

girl are u serious? if i can prove my husband is talking to someone like this???you have 2 things to do:

1: you LEAVE HIM!!! why bother stay with someone that cosider yopu a B... and tell someone else he is not happy. he could cheat on you anytime....because he is looking for a " friend" to let all his words out. thenthat friend will end up been in ur bed..WAKE UP!

2: YOU FORGIVE HIM cuuz you have kids and you gonnaa live ur life thinking about what he said to you!

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

You know I think your right, if I couldn;t find her husband i think that i would forward it. But hopefully she couln't intercept it. If you can leave him a mess. to contact you , then when he does get him on the phone and tell him you will forward everything to him that way you know for sure he gets it. what goes around comes around. good for you

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Just get a divorce and move on. Obviously, you are BOTH not happy with your marriage. Why would you want to stay with a guy who, even in jest, talks about how shi*tty his marriage is? He probably lied to you when he said it was innocent talk. How innocent is trashing your wife and calling her a ******? Doesn't sound anything innocent to me. Better cut your losses and move on as quick as possible. Married people should not be on myspace.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Jealously gets you nowhere. No wonder he confides in someone else you won't even let him talk to another woman without snooping on his conversations. Maybe you need to change your attitude some and put more effort into your marriage instead of wasting your time being jealous. If he wants someone new and doesnt love you anymore you cant change that by harrassing him. Don't bring yourself to a lower level just to get even. If he trully loves you the way you think you love him then you have nothing to worry about. Sometimes a person creates their own problems.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?


I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

lousy men i swear!!

well, the least he could do for you is delete his myspace account. theres no need for a married man to have one anyway. there for singles and teenagers trust me.. and then after he deletes his page, he has some serious apologizing to do. regardless of your marital problems, he should never, and i mean never discuss them with another female!

and for those of you who called her jealous, she's not jealous, she's pi$$ed off! how would you feel if your ol man was telling another woman what a ***** you were? you'd feel pretty crappy im sure! so fu*k off!

i got your back little mermaid. ive been there.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

You did have a right to snoop call it instinct. Don't let anybody try and make you feel bad for doing such a thing just think if you wouldn't have snooped you would be walking around your house right now looking like a fool having no clue at all what's going on. I think your husband is a jerk for treating you like that trash talking you for no reason. I wouldn't believe him if he says he won't talk to this chick anymore chances are he will. If he's unhappy he's unhappy what more can you do. You cannot bend over backwards and keep trying to please someone when they're still not satisfied. Tell your husband to have her if he wants to and i would tell HER hubby as well. So what if you get called a ''nark'' role reversal would you like it if someone knew your husband was cheating and said nothing to you. I hope you do the right thing and hope you find someone that isn't going to treat you like that.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I would strongly suggest that the both of you get into some marriage counseling. Saying horrible things about a spouse to an outsider is certainly not going to make the marriage better. I would tell your husband that his behavior is unacceptable, and you are not going to tolerate it in the marriage. Go from there.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Is what he said about you true? Does he really feel that way?

If you give him plenty of attention and you've been a caring, loving wife, he's just a jerk.

I just wonder if he enjoyed the attention from her so he exaggerated the story of his life a bit too need to do more than you have will go elsewhere if the aren't getting what they need at home!

My Space is not a place for married men to be chatting, it's ridiculous. No matter do not deserve this treatment!

I hope you don't have any children with this BOY. He needs to grow up and stop playing the victim. Cancel his online accounts...if he's doing things like this...what's he doing that you don't know about yet?

Be suspicious....if he doesn't quit corresponding with her, and you have no children with him...he'll have to go. This behavior is the equivelant of an affair, it's uncalled for.

If he's apologetic and truly cut all ties with her...move on...just know that you've married a BOY.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Sweetie, you and your husband need to get into counseling a month ago. This means NOW; calling at 9am first thing on Monday morning.

Is he willing to give this internet relationship up?

If he doesn't go to counseling, you go. Or if you can't afford it, talk to your pastor, rabbi, etc.

I know men and women who have divorced their spouses and married people they met on the internet. One woman, a friend's sister, had the huband leave her with 2 small children and hook up with his internet friend. Nice, huh?

Get counseling yesterday.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

You did the right thing in nipping it in the bud. This is yet another reason why the other woman in an affair is often given equal blame in the relationship. I would send her one more email and let her know that yeah.. "basically" they can continue to talk but you can also let her husband in on what you know about the conversations if she chooses to continue and let him decide whether he thinks it's innocent.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

let me just say im sorry...they will meet and your worst nitemares will become a not saying that either one of them is a just saying the internet is a magnet allowing many people to feel free to express themselves and do what they should or shouldnt be doing. If your husband really wants to show you change, tell him to delete all his contacts on the net, my space, yahoo, pof all of them, and if he does and promises not to go under a different name, only then will i beleive him....given the chance he has the chance to rigth a wrong...ive been there, and i lost everything i had, i too made promises which due to unhappiness and easy contact, i made some bad descions....good luck

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Something similar recently happened to me. I found an e-mail my husband sent to another woman. I was under the impression that he was deeply in love with me. He expressed interest in her and told her our marriage was over, which I did not know. So I left him. I am too good to be treated this bad by anyone and so are you! Don't just walk away. RUN!!!!!! This is the beginning of the end for you.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I think she and the other women just showed you what your husband is, he's stupid. A man that lets you catch him and just says sorry, is going to cheat again but he just learned you will put up with anything. You have a long life of heart ache ahead.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I'll put it to you like this...don't bother with it. Nothing good will come from being revengeful. I am learning this now. Honestly, he is looking for something. If he is that unhappy and he willing to put your business out there, then there is no telling how far he will go. I think that counseling should be a definite option if you aren't willing to walk away. Honestly, I have a Myspace page and my soon to be ex husband had a page. His site for hooking up with chicks was Blackplanet. I know now he was cheating...Try counseling, but if you are going to be a mad woman searching for proof (like I was), LEAVE!!!

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

oh yes i w ould forward those notes to her husband and give her a taste of her own medicine. Your husband has hurt you badly and shaken your trust to the core.Emotional intimacy like that belongs to your mate. He is going to have to choice, what is important to him. His family who are real or his imagination? He doesn't know what kind of nuts are out thereeeeee! You guys have a child together. You will always be in each others life for that fact. You need to both go to some counseling ! He needs to shut his little chats to the opposite sex down. Romance him and recapture the love. Men love attention. Tell him how hot you think he still is. Ask without getting offensive What are getting there that you are not getting at home? dress up for him smell nice, Treat him like you were dating him. He will turn that stupid computer off, fight fire with fire. Listen to Loretta Lynn's old song! you ain't woman enough to take my man. Women like he r are a dime a dozen! cheap trash that no one could ever trust~ God bless and fight for your marriage wisely!

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Girl.. I had almost the same problem a couple months ago. My husband went to a party I did not attend, about a week later I see that me has a new female friend on his myspace (which is rare since he hardly uses myspace) that woman intution came along and I went in his acount (in which he had changed the password but I ended up getting it from his email) and I see they had been replying messages to eachother, flirtatious stuff like "Did I ever tell you are the coolest girl I've met in a long time" and from her part there where too many LOL's in her message saying that her name was "..mmmmmmm" after you taste something very delicious. I WAS FURIOUS and I sent her a message saying the same you said that I didnt appretiate her writing him like this and that he would hear it from me. She had the nerve to get smart ith me! I was so hurt by this, I even left with my son for a week. We worked it out though, and you certainly have plenty of reason to be mad and hurt.

My personal opinion is that if I where that womans husband, I'd like to know my wife is going around flirting online with other peoples husbands. I think I'd end up doing it, not to get back at her, but to show her husband hat kind of wife he really has. Good luck in your marriage and in whatever you decide to do.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

i am so so sorry i am currently dealing with the same thing i know i already imed you and dont want you to think im stalking you. its just so wierd, its almost like i typed this question. its gonna be ok what ever you decide

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

Read this book, it will solve all your problems

After that read this one

Men don't say these things on accident!

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

I think instead of focusing on this other woman and how to make her life a living hell (although telling her husband would be a good idea for the sake of him being aware of what is going on), I think you should focus more on YOU and YOUR HUSBAND- your husband is to blame for this, and believe me even if you didn't have a Myspace, he'd still have those negative feelings and thoughts still lurking in him, he'd probably have hid it better, too. I think Myspace came as a blessing to you though because it shows his true colors through an easy medium and how hurtful he is! I don't think controlling the situation would change him, I think leaving him would!

P.S. I think she is still pursuing him because she's convinced that he still wants her because of the way he communicated with her.

I think this other woman on Myspace is pursuing my husband. I have confronted them both. Now what?

You shouldn't have snooped. You sound so insecure that you probably drove him to this. Bad girl!

How to make yourself look beautiful? Sexy? Hot?

Ever since high school, actually middle school, I realized that I am not attractive at all. Think about it, guys always want to talk to pretty girls. For example I remember one time that I was in class and there were these 2 beautiful, thin girls and I was there too. I was talking with the girls because they are nice but this dude was trying to make conversations with only those girls and totally ignoring me. I can't think of one guy my age that has told me that I'm beautiful. I can't think of one guy that my friends are like oh he like you or has a crush on you. These beautiful girls you see their myspace pics and everyone is like oh wow you're so beautiful, you're so hot, but no one's said that about my pics. No guy has ever asked me out. I envy my friends who are beautiful. Anyway any tips on how I can look sexy? Oh and I'm sure some people will post insulting comments, that's cool you have the right to your opinions, lol.

How to make yourself look beautiful? Sexy? Hot?

without a pic, I cannot tell if these guys are simply stupid. but I suppose so, from my own experiences.

being at high school, I was always ignored - weighing too much. today, having lost some pounds, all the guys look twice or even more often and flirt. even the married guys...

most men are crap - they only see the styled up, perfectly thin girls - so there might be nothing wrong with you.

check your weight, and lose some if necessary.

look for clothes that become you, make you look sexy, but don't show too much. my last lovers went crazy when seeing me in business outfit, totally closed.

try some make up - supporting your beauty, not changing it. stress your eyes, or your mouth.

behave self-confident, ignore boys. girls that are not after them are a challenge.

How to make yourself look beautiful? Sexy? Hot?


cuttin ur hair

dying it

plucking/waxing ur eyebrows

shaving off unwanted facial hair

working out


buy some new cute clothes

some cute make-up

but its kinda hard to tell w/o a pic...

How to make yourself look beautiful? Sexy? Hot?

this is a fairly broad question, but ill try and give you some advice...

maybe you might like to change your hair colour, and get a different style cut...if you have short hair, you could get some clip in hair extensions, so you can always take them out if they dont suit you, or if you have dark hair, put some blonde highlights in and vice versa. it always makes you feel so much better when you try something knew and you will get alot of compliments and people noticeing.

i find that minimal make up lots alot better...just use a foundation, some bronzer on your checks and a shiny light pink lip gloss...dont go overboard...

if you not already tanned, get a gel fake tan...a reallly good one is (Garnier Ambre Solaire, Gloss bronzer, shimmer effect), which you can get from your supermarket etc...tanned skinned makes you look really toned and sexy!!

umm...yer, i wouldnt really compare yourself to your friends though, just wear whatever you think looks hot and you will feel so much more confident!! guys and so much more likely to talk to a girl who is confident and fun, than a hottie that is boring and hell....

How to make yourself look beautiful? Sexy? Hot?

*please do not shave off any facial hair,

just wax it or go to a saloon to do threading,

wear comfortable cloths not very tight fitting once,

also see what looks nice or suits you.

you don't have to be sexy, you should be

elegant %26amp; study hard %26amp; be smart,

there must be someone admiring you.

just be you nice %26amp; smiling don't worry there is

someone out there for you,

How to make yourself look beautiful? Sexy? Hot?

Have confidence in who you are.

Please remember that society's concept of beauty has consistently changed over the ages, and you shouldn't torture yourself over customs created to make beauty companies rich.

Ask intelligent questions in school. Do extra-curricular activities. Any guy worth having would prefer having a cute, intelligent girl over a Barbie doll!

How to make yourself look beautiful? Sexy? Hot?

Honestly, a lot of attractiveness is how you view yourself and working with what you have. In high school and especially middle school, it is easy to put "perfect" people on a pedestal. Once you are out of that environment it is easier to look at yourself objectively and play up your strengths. Here are some basic tips...

Your wardrobe can make a big difference... Wear colors that suit you. It might help to find out what "season" you are. Wear clothes that are flattering to your body shape -- accent your strengths and downplay your imperfections. Make the effort to actually get ready in the morning and look somewhat polished. Instead of throwing on sweats, throw on a dress -- it really doesn't take that much more effort, but you will feel so much better.

Learn how to apply makeup well - this can make all the difference. Makeup tutorials are a great resource. Again, use colors that flatter you.

Find a haircut that you love, that you are able to style. Magazines sometimes have good "How-to's" from professional stylists.

Two great beauty "quick fixes" are eyebrow waxing and gradual self-tanner (i.e. Dove, Jergens, NOT the stuff that makes you look orange!).

Find a signature scent. It might take a long time of searching, but it is worth it. A little spritz of it every day will make you feel instantly sexier.

So, all of that is actually the easy part. The hardest thing to change is your attitude -- that voice inside your head that makes you feel inferior. All I can say is try to get over it. Look people in the eyes and smile. DON'T compare yourself with others -- I know, easier said than done, but you'll get there. The goal is a quiet confidence with no fanfare, it speaks for itself. If you know you're hot, you will be.

Good luck and I hope this helps! Remember... some people are born gorgeous, but the rest of us have to work for it! :)

I have a Toshiba Satellite LS25-S1192. I notice that on some occasions my runs hot and shuts off..?

Most times, but not at all times, it does this while I am watching streaming video, like Prison Break on MySpace or tv shows on The battery just gets really hot. The last time I checked, my laptop was listed on the recall list. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

I have a Toshiba Satellite LS25-S1192. I notice that on some occasions my runs hot and shuts off..?

First of all, try using the laptop with direct source, while the battery is removed. It could be that you think that the battery is getting hot but in fact it could be the CPU. In that case you could use some compressed air to clean the cooling system without opening the laptop. Make sure it is turned off when you do that.

You need to check once again if the battery on your laptop is on a recall list, not your computer. I have a Dell and they have a site where you type in the serial number of the battery and it tells you if it is eligible for recall. Toshiba should have the same thing.

I have a Toshiba Satellite LS25-S1192. I notice that on some occasions my runs hot and shuts off..?

if your laptop is on the recall list then i would take it to where you got it from and demand(nicely) a new battery!! there have been instances of laptop batteries on certain models catching fire which is why they get banned from certain airliners. but DON'T PANIC!! if you are using it at home then run it off the mains and take battery off as this will stop the battery having a constant charge put through it and could be half your problem anyway, plus the battery will live longer this way too...

What do hot blonde barbie doll girls want in a guy?

Come on ladies I cant figure it out, my only goal in life is to hookup with one of these hot blonde barbies but for some reason. Ive hooked up with tons of hottie brunettes but I cant even start a conversation with one of these girls let alone get one on a date with me. I mean I went to culinary school and I and have worked as a chef for the last few years. And now in going to school to be a doctor what more do girls want from me? Is it my look heres my myspace if thats the case let me know. someone tell me what do I need to do to get one of these blonde barbie doll types. And if it comes down to me just not being good looking enough just tell me your ugly and youll never get one. Thanks folks

What do hot blonde barbie doll girls want in a guy?

If you're after a Barbie type then... probably money, expensive gifts. Brace yourself to be used and taken for an expensive ride.

Since you live in MI, if you want the total plastic Barbie type, then go to 747s or Landing Strip in Romulus with a wad of cash.

And psssst... many of the Barbie types probably started off as a brunette ya know ;-)

Comments?!?!? myspace?

MUUAAHHH!!!! I WANT ONE BACK! You've been blown a KISS.

If u get 1-3 ur sweet, 4-6 adorable, 7-9 freaken hot.

So start blowin them kisses

anything like that for myspace?

so i can send to my friends?

any good ones?

Comments?!?!? myspace?

here is one if I find more I'll post them

I found another one

Comments?!?!? myspace?

just stop breathing!

Comments?!?!? myspace?

like it alot i have a myspace and i think that it is cute

Comments?!?!? myspace?

ugh i hate those stupid comments. most of them are certainly a waste of time.

Answer to surfbackground myspace?

click edit profile then in the about me section paste this code. You'll like it!

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Answer to surfbackground myspace?

Nice copy and paste job!

Myspace words?

you know on myspace wen you like write %26lt; font size=

watever orrr %26lt;b %26gt;

or somthin like that..

how do youu make one sentence

be lyk pink..

%26amp;%26amp; the next sentence not be..



bla bla bla



%26amp;%26amp; make that not be pink??

Myspace words?

%26lt;font color=pink%26gt;blablabla%26lt;/font%26gt;

%26lt;font color=Next Color%26gt; fsdfjhkghf%26lt;/font%26gt;

How do I create a GOOD S4S code for Myspace???

I need a GOOD S4S code for Myspace. I've never made one before, I want this to be HOT. Does anyone know any REALLY good sites to make one easily?? THIS HAS TO BE GOOD!!!!

How do I create a GOOD S4S code for Myspace???

You make a code like this:

%26lt;a href="URL OF SITE"%26gt;%26lt;img src="URL OF PICTURE"%26gt;Text Here%26lt;/a%26gt;

For URL OF SITE, put the url of the website you want them to add, or put your Add to Friends path url there so that when they click it they are taken directly to the Add page.

For URL OF PICTURE, take the Direct Link, or url, or a picture you uploaded or found on . That is the image they will click in order to add you or your site.

For Text Here, put the text you want it to say underneath the picture. For example, put "Add me because I'm smart" or whatever you think is convincing!

Myspace cheating!!!!!!?

So my boyfriend and I are on myspace. He has a lot of porn star looking friends that he claims he doesnt know but they live in our area. He is always logged on it, but never has any new comments on his page. I'm not quite sure what he's looking at or who is talking to privately. He and I have had our share of problems and I guess I don't trust him. So yesterday I made a fake profile of a random hot girl and sent him a message. Hook, line and sinker, he responded and after a couple messages back and forth, he was already giving his phone # and telling her about where he lived and said he was "down for whatever" and "good company is hard to find". I called him and let him know that I was his mystery girl. He freaked, then called back and said he knew it was me the whole time. There's no way he could have known. I made the page pretty legit looking. Maybe it was crazy of me, but I proved myself right, i guess. Any opinions?

Myspace cheating!!!!!!?

I have a friend who did the same thing.Good job!!!:)

Gay/bi guys I see on the internet (myspace)?

You know the hot attractive gay guys you see on sites like myspace that has over 800 friends? What ever happens to them later in life? I mean from them being conceited (only wanting sex..not a real relationship). How about those bi guys thats so homophobic to where they only mess with girls (but yet like havin sex with boys), but finds it gay to actually be into a relationship with another guy? (In general) do bisexual guys tell their girlfriend that they're bisexaul?

Gay/bi guys I see on the internet (myspace)?

Im bi and lean to guys and relationships so please dont believe the sterotype. And I hate to say and Ill prob. get thumbs down but the hot gay guys that sleep with a diffrent guy everynight are at the highest risk of STDs (I know from friends of mine) Just because someone is sexy doesnt mean he should get as much sex a possible

Gay/bi guys I see on the internet (myspace)?

How perceptive you are, and I think that is that problem. They DON'T think about the future. Most likely, they will end up disappointed in life and will be jaded when it comes to Men and sex.

Gay/bi guys I see on the internet (myspace)?

some guys likes relationships with guys but others dont, they just like the sex. so wat? if u want a relationship look for someone else who does . Ppl want different things u know.

Gay/bi guys I see on the internet (myspace)?

Dude, it's not like every bi guy lives their life like that.

I have over 4 thousand friends on myspace , I'm flawless %26amp; i'm hot.

I'm still trying to find that special someone that I want to spend my life with.

That sounds conceited but next time you ask this question.

Use the worst " most ". It will cause less uproar.

Whats the big problem with MySpace?

Everyones throwing a fit. Its all over the news, papers..."Thirteen year old girl bothered by some pervert..." and "Parents sue Myspace" Why are people throwing this way out of porportion? Yes, sexual preditors exist. But not only on the web. Why do people look this over? Those kind of people are everywhere... in our offices and stoers, walking next to you in the gracery store, hell even living on your street... but no, thats not hot news? Why instead has everyone attacked the internet? (mostly MySpace but sometimes its counterparts...FaceBook and plenty of other rating sites) Why dont people realize the real problem... not that theres some "bad person" talking to their son or daughter online... but the fact that they havent taught their son or daughter that thats not an acceptable thing to do?

The internet can be great. So can MySpace. And yes people DO abuse it, but people abuse everything. Why is the media attacking the web and its "preditors" like they're something new?

Whats the big problem with MySpace?


Whats the big problem with MySpace?

i dont c what the big deal is with myspace. everyone is obsessed get over it people its not that cool


Whats the big problem with MySpace?

don't you get it by now it's so obvious.Some people get killed by this shi*.Where have you been.

Whats the big problem with MySpace?

They should be attacking your spelling instead. ; )

Whats the big problem with MySpace?

its all politics.. and human nature to blame someone.. u will grow and learn in due time.

one piece of advice.. don't always try to find sense in worldly things.. there isn't much sense behind many things..

Whats the big problem with MySpace?

my opinion is .......... the media has to report something. myspace is good place for pre-teens and teens. i have 4 pre-teens and i would rather them sit at the computer where i can supervise them than be at the mall alone.

Whats the big problem with MySpace?

Parents need to be more focused on people on the streets and in school rather than whos on the internet. There's nothing those people can do to you if you're on the computer. It's when children choose to meet up with these predators that things go wrong. They need to focus more on the safety of their child rather than picking on MySpace and Yahoo! Chat.

Whats the big problem with MySpace?

The media needs something other than the normal rape story to get our attention. If they throw MySpace all over the news, it grabs your attention, doesn't it? Do normal rapes? Actually, I can't remember the last time I heard of a girl being raped unless it had something to do with myspace. Myspace is so popular it gets everyone attention, and tons of people want it shutdown, so the best way to do that is through the media.

What's HOT on TV in the Hip/Hop and Rap scene?

Who likes to watch TV?

Have any of you heard about a TV show on cable called Curb 2 Da Club TV?

It's a Hip/Hop and Rap type show with Hot Events and Poppin Clubs in Houston, TX. There's also some celebrity interviews!

Check out their myspace @

I'm your girl T-Lee comin' atcha from Curb 2 Da Club TV!

What's HOT on TV in the Hip/Hop and Rap scene?

i miss my folk in port authur texas

Myspace who has one?

Okay I'm bored here so thought it would be fun since most of us are single anyway! If you have a myspace account lets check each other out and send 1 message something to the fact, hot/not, hey/ney or whatever. Lets mingle!!!

Myspace who has one?

Myspace who has one?

i have one but cannot share my link, sorry

Myspace who has one?

I have one.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

took the bait. What should I do??

It all started because he keeps his profile set at "Single" even though we have been in a serious relationship for six months.

We even spent Thanksgiving at his parent's place together.

When I asked him about his "single status" on myspace, he kind of acted as if it wasn't a big deal even though most people use MYSPACE to hookup.

So, I set up a fake profile and used my hot friends pic for the profile. It's my friend from back home who he does not know.

Anyway I sent him a message that read. "Hey, I just saw your profile and thought you were real cute and sexy."

HE RESPONDED. "Who you kidding girl, tell me your not breaking hearts left and right."

I RESPONDED."Oh, boy I think your trouble and ornery."

HE RESPONDED. "Nothing wrong with being ornery. It's healthy right.

Trouble is fun.

I think I might be in your part of town next month. Are there any good restaurants in the area."

What is he up to?

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

I know this may sound brutal, need to end this, and FAST. He is clearly flirting and hooking up with other women, and you don't deserve this crappy treatment(and that's an understatement!) You deserve a better guy, not this guy that flirts everywhere and has absolutely no respect for you.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

why do girls play stupid games like this? Why test someone? grow up. you deserve whatever you get.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

He's a player girl. Run far, far away.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

Granted, he is a dog. But you set him up for a fall, I think you answered your own question

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

ummmmmmmmmmmmm hooking up???.......................duh

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

hes up to no good hello

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

He's no good girl, you should take it a little further just to be sure that he really is interested "in this other girl". If so, break it off with him. You don't need that **** hun!

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

He's being flirty. But it doesn't have to be a problem if he doesn't act on it. You should write something along the lines of meeting and then see what he says. Then you'll have a better idea of where his mind is.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

He is a real dog, scum of the earth, lair, cheater, a waste of air, a waste of space, and what would you be wanting with such a loser anyways!

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

be careful what you wish for because they can come true.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

What is he up to??? Not being faithful to you that's what he is up to! Get out of this now, it will only get worse, a situation like this only gets worse, never better, and he will keep taking advantage all the while he cheats on you. Not only should he not have it on single status, he should not be on Myspace at all. Don't return his phone calls, make him call you at LEAST 3 times before you pick up the phone once and if he isn't talking about a date, hang up and move onto someone else that is! That simple!

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

he is a player and is seeking out other women.. confront him with printed evidence and leave him.. you deserve so much better!

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

You two need to end this...

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

break up with him. your boyfriend is a jerkoff....JERKOFF. he should be sleeping wit the fishes.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

If you have to ask, you already know. How does the saying go? "Be careful what you look for because you might find the truth?" If you felt he was cheating, then he might be.

No man in a relationship should have their status set to "single".

Find you another man. Because the excuse he gives you will be a lie that will be so full of crap that he is really going to expect you to believe it and you deserve more.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

Who cares. He's being dishonest and so are you. Break up if this is the level of deceit the both of you are stooping to. So childish!

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

He's try to hook up. DUMP HIS A$$!

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

hey hone you got what you asked for. next time try not to play games you might get what you deserve.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

OOOOH girl my sister did the same thing and she's engaged or should I say was engaged, her ex even set up a meet and when he showed up my sis was there ready to beat his @$$!!! it was too funny of course she left him cause if a dude is going to jeopardize a relationship over a stupid pic and profile imagine how he behaves with women he actually interacts with.... Something to think about!

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

Sounds normal for a guy.

Dont get so possessive or u may lose him.

Play fire with fire and flirt a little yoursefl

afterall we are all humans

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

You are a stupid idiot. You know the answer. You know he is lying. So what is keeping you from being smart?!?!

People can SAY one thing and DO another. Pay attention to what he DOES, not what he SAYS. If you still can't figure it out, then you truly deserve to be strung along and lied to.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

A lot of guys are like this they go out with a girl but would cheat on her like that (i don't know how to snap my fingers on a computer lol) if i were you he would be gone before he could say sorry. Guys like this just aren't worth our time or caring. I know this may sound hard as your in a serious relationship but you have to realize that he is acting as though he is completely willing to throw that all out a window without even taking a glance to see what is going to happen to you for some one he does not even know. I wish you luck with this situation.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

i would ask your friend if she will play along with the bait. If she is up for it let her go out with him and give you the details. Then you can both go and confront him together in a "gang up" way and totally bust this loser. I would also lose him since he asked this girl out. It means he is a player and is playing the field behind your back.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

what he is up to ? never try to find out things whose answers you are not ready for.

He is trying to lay your fake profile.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

He's trying to hook up. Meet with him and go off on his ***. Let him know he's been caught and kick his *** to the curb!

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

Sounds to me that he was just looking for a tutor for math class. Innocent. Purely innocent.


"What is he up to?"


You already know what he is up to.

Give me a break. Show him the taped conversation, leave him, move on with your life.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

Honestly, unless he explicitly tells you, a guy does not consider a relationship serious until you're nearing a year - and even then he's iffy about it.

To tell you the truth, you shouldn't have done this; but now that you have, you have two choices. "You" can either continue with the game and see what happens, making your decision about the continuity of your relationship based on what he does...

.. OR, you can stop the conversation and see if he comes chasing after "you," and THEN make your decision. Either way, I don't believe you'll like how this ends - and if he completely disregarding your feelings concerning the setting of his relationship status on his profile, I highly doubt you should be with him anyway.

Buena suerte!

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

He's a player. I would ask him, as the fake, do you have a girlfriend. I mean althogh it says single, I would ask. If he says he doesn't, then..... oh well!

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

Have some internet sex...if that makes sense...start talking about what you would wanna do to him..wait for your response...

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

Girl, you have to keep playing it...set it up, and break it down !!!!

Have him meet this hot girl someplace and then show up...

Then see how healthy he feels after you show him what "ornery" really means.

I set the bait for my b/f on MYSPACE and he....?

Guess what? He's also talking to a girl here on Yahoo answers!

Myspace Quesation...can you help??

i already done my URL to myspace already but i meet this guy who is hot and i gave him URL but i added a extra number...can i change it even though i alredy done it before??

Myspace Quesation...can you help??

once your url is set, you can't change it, its a pity. I tried to change mine but it wouldn't let me. you could delete the account and then re-sign up, take a bit of time, but thats really the only option there is.

Myspace Quesation...can you help??

dont trust hot people you meet on myspace, they are usually fat people in disguise

Myspace Quesation...can you help??

you can't change ur url after u have done it.

And don't meet people off myspace my friend did that and she told him to meet her at the mall when he got there he was fat and ugly. trust me with this. She learned it the hard way.

Does anyone else like Hot Chip, and do they have a new album?

im pretty sure im going to their show in DC, if my friend will take me


Does anyone else like Hot Chip, and do they have a new album?

No, I don't

What is wrong with Myspace?

Ok, maybe there is something I am totally missing out on here.

I like meeting people on the internet. I dont think its lame or anything. I like meeting girls in person too. I'm a pretty actractive dude, a lot of girls think I'm hot or sexy.

The thing is that girls on myspace are almost damn near close to impossible to pick up nowadays. They dont reply to my emails, they dont accept my friend requests...

What the f%26amp;$* is going on?

What is wrong with Myspace?

it's not myspace, it's your approach. if you're messaging them with something like "what's up sexy" or "i think you're hot", it's no wonder they don't reply to you. i ignore messages like that myself.

1. try actually reading their profile. if they've got a funny picture, or you have something in common with them, make your first message about that. like "hey i see you loved the movie wedding crashers, so did i, i thought it was funny as hell when he put the eyedrops in that guys drink"'s not perverted and shows you're paying attention.

2. make sure they don't already have a boyfriend or serious crush. they're not going to want to talk to you if they do.

3. look at your profile. does it come across arrogant? "i'm so sexy, i love girls with a nice ***"..that's an automatic red flag for most girls and they'll ignore you.

4. put a lot of information in your profile, bands, movies, books, likes/dislikes etc. a lot of people won't talk to someone if they've got 2 or 3 lines in their profile, it's sketchy.

5. keep them close in age range. if you're 18 and the girl is 25, don't expect much attention.

6. don't send more than 1 message until that person replies to you. that's stalkerish.

7. don't send a friend request right away. wait a few days until you've actually talked to that person. a lot of times if she think you're cool, she will add you first.

8. find some people close distance-wise. if things go well perhaps you can actually meet that person at some point. don't mention that for a couple of months, til you get to know them better. be careful with that though.

i hope this helps. most of this personal experience on why i ignore people or personal tactics i use muahaha...never fails me ;)

What is wrong with Myspace?

I don't accept random people as my friends on myspace either.

What is wrong with Myspace?

go to mine and I'll be your friend, but we are too worried to go out with ppl off the net for all the things you see on the news. (my e-mail is

What is wrong with Myspace?

Try one of the online dating sites. People there tend to be a little more serious about meeting others.

What is wrong with Myspace?

Maybe because they don't like you.

What is wrong with Myspace?

do you have a "ugly" picture of you up?...and are you trying to hard? are you stalking them? i bet you are...i bet you like stalking

What is wrong with Myspace?

Have you checked to see when their last login date is? And check your sent mail to see if the messages you sent are read.

If a hot guy sends me a message I respond. But then again sometimes when I sleep walk I check my messages %26amp; dont realize it then a few days later i notice the email. Or I check my mail but dont have time to respond right then %26amp; i end up forgetting.

Try me, click below

閳?MANDEE 閳?br>What is wrong with Myspace?

Have you tried going to the library and meeting girls there?

What is wrong with Myspace?

myspace is bad. It could make you get raped by someone, and about the girls, maybe they don't like you or know you well enough to like you.

What is wrong with Myspace?

This answer is coming from a person that is one of those girls that gets hit on on myspace.... I personally am not on myspace to meet people to flirt with. I'm there to keep in contact with friends I've lost contact with since high school and college. I think its weird to hit on girls on the internet personally but if that's your thing, then try a singles chat room or something.. please stop contaminating myspace... its not a dating service. Try or something

What is wrong with Myspace?

ok so like the same thing happened to me i have a my space ( come on over so we could chat gurls r stupid like that sometime believe me i am one!!!!:)

What is wrong with Myspace?

They probably just don't want to add some guy they don't know.

Add me if you want:

Myspace problem?

hey i know alot of people r sayin dat there myspace is workin fine again my my myspace seems to be givin me a problem wen i try to login it says to many failed log in attempts n wen i try later n juss doesnt let me log in have any ideas on hot to fix this to i can get in to myspace

Myspace problem?

I had the same problem, and I tried and tried, you might want to go to the forgot your password thing, I did, and it turned out my password wasn't the password that I thought it was..... Like say I thought mine was 1980dvoangil (which it isn't) they said my password was 1980dvoangi....and I had been using the same password for months.

Myspace problem?

My myspace only works sometimes too its really annoying.

Myspace problem?


Myspace problem?

there is nothing you can do to fix it. either wait for them to fix it or signup for a new account

Myspace problem?

mine has been messed up too..retype in everything..just in case..i got through mine last night by not logging in and going to browse finding mine and going into it that way..then i hit home at first it would not let me but i kept hitting babk button and doing it again and finally it let me in...hope this helps

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

My 15 yr old son was quite active communicating with his friends on MySpace, and suddenly he decides to delete his account. He recently got a new Sprint cell phone. Is it becoming passe, or is there a new hot site ?? Also, he knows I currently watch his MySpace activity and have read some things on his account he'd rather I did not. Any insight, I would appreciate your responses.

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

maybe he knew you were watching and knew what his myspace was... GOOD FOR YOU MOM!! i'm glad to hear that bthere is still mothers out there watching there kids activitys on the net. He may have another accound and thats why he deleated this one.

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

maybe he just didn't want to participate in that community any more. no real reason to be suspicious or anything.

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

maybe he did it so you wouldnt be in his business.

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

maybe he just got tired of it

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

they are hidin stuff dodgy why yo hatin onme ?

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

prolly because you were nosy and in his buisness and he didn't like that. no there is not some hot new site . . . . i would suggest you give him a little space. because when you invade a child's life like that they rebel against you, and end up not wanting to come to you for stuff. so have some trust in him %26amp; give him some personal space %26amp; privacy. he could have just made a new myspace and not told you about it.

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

hmmmm he cancelled his myspace account and you said yourself he was not happy at the fact that you watch his myspace activity.Sounds like somethings going on that he dosent want you to know about or hes just wanting some privacy and he feels that you are intruding on his privacy.

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

You answered your own question. The kid needs space to express himself without you butting in to his privacy. If you did your job as a parent you don't have to worry about him. He will experment but will ultimately make the right choices for himself.

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

maybe he has a NEW account you are unaware of

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

i don't think myspace is going away for a while. maybe he doesn't want to spend hours in front of a computer screen. also, did you know that myspace is now available on mobile phones?

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

is he paying his own phone bill??? then why did you get his phone??

yes, kids dont want their parents to read their thoughts, and myspce they can talk freely, it is like their diaries. that they dont anyone to read.

keep tabs on him anyways, and dont pay his phone bill, make him get a job. i did with my 16yr daughter.

Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

well as much as you might want to, you can never know everything about your son.

you need to trust him enough to be safe on things like this and myspace is a great way to keep in touch with friends and meet new people.

i think you need to just trust him more and i think you will see he will respect you more for that.

im a myspace user and so are alot of my friends, its great to just stay in touch and say hi, soi dont think there is anything to be too worried about,


Why would a teenager delete their myspace account??

its too time consuming.

myspace is well not safe... in my opinion

instant messaging is the new thing!!! like aim yahoo im etc

try that for ur son

besides its more fun and easier!

ps aim is the better one

i had a myspace and deleted it !

its a fad soo maybe its all over

When did myspace become who is less dressed to get more picture comments?

I noticed lately alot of girls and guys go out their way to be half way naked just to get more picture comments.My friend is one of these people i thought there were people as young as 16 on there and i have seen women with profile pics exposing their boobs,some in their underwear,some in thongs and complain about the comments guys send them about going to bed together and i have seen guys on there with just a small towel covering their you know what or just holding their you know what.There is even this girl on this magazine who they call the sexiest woman on myspace and she had just some thongs and heels on i didn't think myspace was suppose to be about that but people just having fun and making new friends g rated not r and x rated.There was even a 15 year old girl on there in just herr underwear and guys as old as 30 were telling her how hot and sexy she was.Why can't people just be themselves and keep their clothes on and let people comment them that way?

When did myspace become who is less dressed to get more picture comments?

alot of people are like that, it bothers me too.

if you wanna do something about it....

go to their albums, find the picture click on it...

and you know where it says "post a comment" well go to the next button and then the last button next to it, and it'll show tom the picture, and he will delete them off the person's myspace, i hope this helped: )

When did myspace become who is less dressed to get more picture comments?


Where can I find myspace default layouts??

First off please don't answer this question if you do not know the answer thanks. secondly I would just like ot know where i can find some nice myspace default layouts.

I've already been to



need i remind you i want DEFAULT layouts not regular layouts.

thanks :)

Where can I find myspace default layouts??

Best Layout Sites:

Check on, they have plenty of premade default layouts and you can even request for one to be made in their friendly forum.


Where can I find myspace default layouts??

Where can I find myspace default layouts??

search 4 thm on google

Where can I find myspace default layouts??

The default layout will be found on myspace. In fact it is the layout you get. Hence the name, default. If you had changed your layout, then you no longer have the default layout and simply just need to remove the code.

Where can I find myspace default layouts??

Actually techgeek did answer the question correctly. Maybe if you do not know what the word default means, you should not use it. Customizing the page, or changing it would no long make it the default layout.

Where can I find myspace default layouts??

Yeah A LOT of people dont read the questions hehe.

Here are some default layouts unique to the site,

Where can I find myspace default layouts??

have you try these sites layouts yet.

www.somecodes. com


He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

My boyfriend left his myspace profile up the other day while I was over at his house and he left for the store. Well...I snooped a little and read some of the messages that he had sent and received from a couple of girls.

The girls are all out of state, and they are not his friends.

I could tell by the messages a couple of the girls just sent him a message to say "hi" and they thought he was hot.

I guess they randomly saw his profile and wanted to say "hello."

However he wrote them back and told them he thought they were nice looking too, and he never once mentioned he had a girlfriend.

Also, his myspace is still set at "Single" even though we have been dating for five months. However,

My myspace profile is set at "in a relationship."

Anyway, was he wrong? Is it just harmless flirting since the girls are in another state?

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

I would be a little concerned that he has his profile set at single when he is in a relationship with you.

Also, I do not think it's appropriate to respond to random messages he is receiving from girls telling him he is "hot."

What he should do is A) not write them back at all, because they are NOT his friends, or B) written them back saying "thank you, my girlfriend thinks I'm hot too."

I do not think he should have written them back telling them they are also hot.

That only encourages them to write some some more.

IMO...why aggressively flirt with someone if you have no intention

of doing anything with them!

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

Technically, if you are only dating he is single. Stop being a snoop.

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

confront him but you need to tell him you snooped.

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

myspace is a place to flirt that is why it was made so people could hook up just see how it goes and hang out a little bit and if it works then it does anf if it doesn't then learn from your mistakes. you never know till you try

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

I'd confront him, about it rather than drop him otta the blue, explain how you feel

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

I would say you should confront him on this. Don't tell him you saw the messages, just that you saw his profile and ask him why it's set to "single".

Did he have the profile before you two started dating? That could be why it's on single.

If he's flirting online it is likely harmless but his profile should reflect that he's in a relationship. If it doesn't and he knows it doesn't....there's a reason...

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

I would say no...remember it is just Myspace... :)


He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

Well the day you bring out what you did (read and snooped) he wont ever trust you. Consider that it being as a test from his behalf to see what you do. I suggest that you keep it to yourself if you infact want this to work out. Now, you getting upset about it ? well you shouldnt had been snooping around in the first place !!!

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

hi there.. we r in d same path thou.. think positive n b sure of urself.. d truth hurts but yes, he is flirting... but online..! guys r guys, they like many ladies to b there in their life but will oni stay true to d one.. hope d one is u.. all d best..

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

He considers himself single and likes the attention of other girls. Is that wrong? If you don't like it, it's wrong. If you think it's fine, it's fine. I think myspace is a joke and I wouldn't have much interest in a man who was into that whole scene.

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

Pretend you weren't nosy and didn't read those emails. Why is his myspace profile status set to "single". That should be a clue in itself.

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

myspace is a joke... he probably feel cool when all the girls talk to him.. he sounds like he is insecure... or maybe he is one of those guys that is a player... i would say set him up but that is wrong.. it is wrong to have a friend of your he dosent know. make a fake profile... and flirt and see what he does... although funny, to me if you got him to meet up with her. and you came out of the bushes saying surprise.. you have just been dumped... but do what you will...

he is an a**

myspace is a joke. i have one but who cares .. people wit 1000 friends yeah right.. and did you know the famous people that have them .. half of them pay people to read and answer it for them...

He's flirting on myspace, what to do?

delete him as you friend and add me

Guys,, do i sound hot? would you date me?

heyy. im 5"1, 13 years old.

i have dirty blonde hair with dark highlites, and its usually straight and down to right above my elbows. I weigh 98 lbs, and im a 36B, green eyes.

i usually wear tight camis and tank tops, or baggy shirts tied in the back. i usually wear jeans or sweat pants, unless its hot outside and i decide to wear shorts. flip flops all year round exept in the snow.

anything else you need to know? ask meee.

my myspace is

add me to see my pics.

thanksss. so just tell me if im hot and if you would date me =]

Guys,, do i sound hot? would you date me?

I'm not a guy, and you sound like a little twit. Get a life!

Guys,, do i sound hot? would you date me?

Sweetie, you should delete this question and don't put your myspace on here, saying you're 13. You're just inviting the pervs to stalk you. I'm sure you look fine.

Guys,, do i sound hot? would you date me?

you sound kinda sluttish. why would you want to know. and no one really cares cause your only 13!

Guys,, do i sound hot? would you date me?

Ummmmmmmmmmm I'm telling your mom and dad!!!!!!!

Girl you are just ASKING FOR TROUBLE!!! Keep it in your pants and wait another decade or so. YOUR TOOO YOUNG!!!!

Guys,, do i sound hot? would you date me?

umm your myspace says you 18 I DONT THINK SO you 13 worry about your schoolwork not what boys think if you dont youll be wishing you did while you still flipping burgers at mcdonalds and you 30

Guys,, do i sound hot? would you date me?

it looks like you have got enough men on your case... but serosuly you need to get a new hairstyle. its too... 6th grade..

Myspace codes??

when you put something on your myspace, like from or, the advertisement from the website shows up in the upper corner of your page. Where's a code to hide them?

Myspace codes??

There isn't a code to hide them. You have to actually go through the code you got from the site, %26amp; weed out the code that creates the ad.

It should be either at the very beginning or the very end of the code, %26amp; outside the %26lt;style%26gt; tags. It will look something like this:

%26lt;div style="blah blah blah"%26gt;%26lt;a href="stupid pimp"%26gt;%26lt;img src=""%26gt;I got my layout from stupidpimpsite .com!%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;

Delete that.

I think my myspace profile wont do...?

hi we [me and my friends] are holding a competition for the best looking myspace profile, and Im not sure mine is hot enough. Please check it out and tell me what u think

I dont know what theyre gon come up with but theyre damn good

I think my myspace profile wont do...?

Yeh that's better than the first link you put up. maybe you could add a few things to make it better though. webfatti has some good stuff on it and, of course, revolution myspace.

I think my myspace profile wont do...?

New Jersey? And you can't speak English?

That's better. Actually, I like it. I hate sites that are too busy. I can read everything on your page and it's legible.

Go to "beetroot's" myspace and you'll see what I mean. Cheesy.

Oops, she took her link down. Maybe she's embarrassed by it. Well, here it is again.


I think my myspace profile wont do...?

Why is you avatar black?

I think my myspace profile wont do...?

how are u gonna win with the default layout?

I think my myspace profile wont do...?

tbh,ur space is boring...

I think my myspace profile wont do?... [fixed question]?

hi we [me and my friends] are holding a competition for the best looking myspace profile, and Im not sure mine is hot enough. Please check it out and tell me what u think

I dont know what theyre gon come up with but theyre damn good

I think my myspace profile wont do?... [fixed question]?

Actually, I like it. I hate sites that are too busy. I can read everything on your page and it's legible.

Go to this link and you'll see what I mean. Cheesy.

Help wit myspace & layouts!?

what is a good website with good myspace layouts other than whateverlife or hotfreelayouts or

Help wit myspace %26amp; layouts!?

there is thousands of them out there but this is the one i use and its one of the better ones

Help wit myspace %26amp; layouts!?

Just go to google, yahoo etc.....then type "myspace layout, myspace cute layout etc..... or you can make your own layout or you can pick picture you want off google, yahoo etc..... then save as picture and go to but you had to sign up for account, it's free. After this, Go to google, yahoo etc..... then myspace editors, have several websites.

Help wit myspace %26amp; layouts!?

閳藉應妲?MYSPACE EDITORS %26amp; LAYOUTS 閳藉應妲?/p>


閳?I'm sorry for the all-caps above. But there is no way to bold text in Yahoo Answers. So all caps is the next best thing.

閳?Everything you could possibly want to do to your MySpace account can be found on these sites. There are HTML source code generators, layouts, prewritten HTML codes and much more. Each site has a few things the others don't. So try them all.













閳?MySpace layouts, buddy icons, and MySpace Editor


閳?You should look at this image editor.


閳?Here is a really kool tool. Type your Cascading Style Sheets rules into this form and you can see how they will look on your own profile page.


閳?The following editor will help you to add some very intering effects to your MySpace photos. Click on HELP %26gt; VIEW EXAMPLES


閳?Glitter text %26amp; graphics




閳?Steal someone else's layout off of their MySpace Profile page with one of these free online tools. Just type in their MySpace username and click the button. The tool will steal their style sheet right out of their HTML coded page. I put several here in case some are offline for maintenance.




閳?Steal it using either username or friend id#.


閳?More MySpace Layouts than you will ever be able to sort through.


閳?More MySpace HTML Codes


閳?Animated MySpace Graphics


閳?Free online image format changer. Convert from to bitmap to jpg to gif and many more. NEVER DO ANYTHING TO AN ORIGINAL IMAGE. ALWAYS USE A COPY IN CASE YOU DON'T LIKE HOW IT TURNS OUT.


閳藉應妲?HTML CODE TIPS 閳藉應妲?/p>

閳?Some people ask for a layer code to cover up something they don't want anyone to see on their page. Usually they want to cover up their last login. You must be able to adjust the width, height, background color, and their position on the screen. But even this won't help if someone comes to your page using a different screen resolution than you are. In this case the layer will not cover up what you want. In fact it will appear somewhere else on the page and cover up something you don't want covered up. In a normal web site you could just make a diffent style sheet for each resolution, You can't do that in a blog.

閳?As you can see it is a good idea to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript even if you don't have a web site of your own. You'll need it just as much on a blog as you would if you had your own web site.


閳?Steal someone else's layout off of their MySpace Profile page with one of these free online tools. Just type in their MySpace username and click the button. The tool will steal their style sheet right out of their HTML coded page. I put several here in case some are offline for maintenance.




閳?Steal it using either username or friend id#.


閳?After you steal the profile paste it into the tool below to experiment with it before pasting the Style Sheet into your account.


Help wit myspace %26amp; layouts!?

Heres a new site with tons of layouts,

Help wit myspace %26amp; layouts!?

Check out

Help wit myspace %26amp; layouts!?

well i usually just add other myspaces that have layouts for u to use. the only one i can think of right now is shimmy shimmy. just go to their profile and add them.

Help wit myspace %26amp; layouts!?

I found a a few NEW sites that are awesome layouts for myspace.

Other than that you could make your own myspace layout with an editor such as

Also, If you need specific things such as "myspace layout stealers" or "myspace online now icons"

Just simply google the term you're after. There are so many myspace resource sites, you'll definately turn up a result you're after.

Help wit myspace %26amp; layouts!? has awesome layouts

How can I become more hot?

I am sweet as friends tell me. But I guess I'm not hot enough! At least in my character! Hm.. This is me: At first guys are so fascinated by me! But then I just like jump on them and they run away... No, surely I don't jump on all guys only on those who I like but that's what is the most sad that they run away and I can't understand why! Maybe you'll notice and tell me please!!! It would really be appreciated a lot ! And also I always want to spend very much time with the one and I think they don't want me if they spend little time so maybe that's another reason why they run away :S! Thank you very much!

Maria :)

How can I become more hot?

Maria - If you were my daughter I would tell you that you are beautiful and I am sure boys find your very sexy. Perhaps its the "jumping" that frightens them away. Guys like to be the "jumpers" (nah, forget equal rights, this is about human attraction). So try a more "cool" personality. Get to know the guy first and give him some time and space to make the "jump".

Oh...and you might try a different category, this is not really a philosophy question.

How can I become more hot?

turn up the thermostat

How can I become more hot?

guys can be losers. *girls too for those that date them.. just be more confident in yourself.. it took me till i was almost well; let's say this year...LOL.. or just fake it. act like you're the queen bee and you will BE the QUEEN BEE. eventually it will just be second nature to you. I just enjoy people for who they are; not what they could become.

How can I become more hot?

You are absolutley hot!

im me to chat more about it for msn messenger

and polli_d for yahoo messenger

How can I become more hot?

u are who u are u can't change that unless u got 3000 or more to spend on surgery

How can I become more hot?

Sounds like you might come on a little strong at first. Guys run at the first sign of neediness, which to them, would be asking to spend alot of time with them in the beginning. Don't worry, you just haven't met the right guy for you yet.

How can I become more hot?

well it looks like you are ok..

How can I become more hot?

When a boy first spends time with you, they feel free...guys are scared off by 'love' and 'relationships' and 'commitments' if they don't think of the idea first. You are following your heart...that is a good don't want to be slutty about it. You just have to reel them in slowly. Let them figure out for themselves that you are a great girlfriend. Don't talk about the future or the past...just enjoy the good parts. (After all that you might find out that he's not all that great for you and that you want to move on...)

As far as being hotter...I checked your pics and you are a very attractive young girl. Unless you are talking about getting dressed all sexy once in a while to go out to a club with your friends, I think you are just fine the way you are, honey. Don't worry about it.

How can I become more hot?

So I just looked at your pics and:

You're totally HOT. I don't know what those guys problems are, maybe don't be too needy, but be reasonably confident.

How can I become more hot?

What matter is "Beauty is skin deep" do you have it?

How can I become more hot?

be on a furnace.

How can I become more hot?

Why do you care if guys think your hot or not

your opinion should be the only one that matters.

I know of a couple ( okay more than a couple) of girls who cared so much they had to probe for compliments wjhen around other guys, but when people finally got annoyed and stoped feeding the ego, lets just say the outcome was sad.

Learn to be happy with your self, looks are superficial, don't hold too much stock in that aspect of your life.

Just some advice.

It's not that their running away from your looks,

It's personality, guys like confidance, but when being OVER confident that tends to either scare them or piss them off. Play hard to get, and you'll find the results to be in your favor.

How can I become more hot?

Oh Maria, you must be kidding, aren't you?

We can't check your hotness by a picture ... This human feature depends on other things, not only on the person's appearance.

Don't try to be "hotter". That's the point. Be yourself and you'll find someone that takes your say of being as "hot", different, interesting and so on.

Ah, before I forgot: this question must be in the relation thread, not in the philosophy one!

Back to the point: try to think of jumping on the guys you are interested is not a good way to start something. It shows things which are not interesting for us (young men).

Unfortuntly I gotta go...

Ie - b r a z i l

How can I become more hot?

And you thought this should be in Philosophy? No.

How can I become more hot?

Hot girls work at it. It may be a process of trial and error. When what your doing isn't working try asking why. Make changes and try again. Eventually you'll learn to be hot.

How can I become more hot?

Well first of all, stay your sweet self! But maybe when it comes to guys let them do more of the in wanting to spend time with you, making time for you. Instead of "jumping on the guys you like" try being a little more mysterious about yourself and not just lay it all out for them...that way they want to find out more about you and they'll stick around longer. You have to turn the tables so they are the ones chasing after you and wanting to get to know and spend time with you....Try taking up a fun hobby, the more to you there is, the hotter you are!! :)

How can I become more hot?

I for one wouldn't care if a Guy thinks if I'm hot or not. A real MAN would care more of who you are as a person. Beauty is only skin deep and what looks good around their arms. I wouldn't want to be a HOT ornament to a Guy because, that is ALL he will ever see in you. Find a MAN that will accept you (even if your not hot) for who you are as a Woman, Person and an Individual.

Good luck with your quest.

How can I become more hot?

boil some water and jump in it.... you turn HOT !

How can I become more hot?

You are a very attractive young woman. You need an on site female mentor to assess the problem and suggest solutions.

How can I become more hot?


you need to do something with your hair

(I can't believe I'm writing this...)

your face is kind of round. The best picture you have is the one after you've jumped in the water, with the wind blowing. Because your hair doesn't frame your face-- with those dreadful bangs.

You need to show more of your body.

And don't submit pictures which look like a deer in the headlights.

Smile more, smile less-- but don't just stare blankly.

In the middle of the photo. Wearing frumpy clothing.

How can I become more hot?

don't worry, be happy

How can I become more hot?

Hot? um go outside during the summer time and make sure it's burning outside. I think that will help your problem or just leave you with a beautiful gift called "skin cancer"
